How to Reach Millions Interested in Crypto and Blockchain with Programmatic Ads
Facebook and Google have banned all Crypto ads from their networks. So how does a legitimate company working in the blockchain industry drive growth and user acquisition? Our team at Token Agency saw that what already exists in every other industry, really didn’t for crypto and then created the solution. But first, what is programmatic advertising and why and when is it important to your business?
First, what is Programmatic Advertising?
Whereas the traditional method of buying advertising includes requests for proposals, quotes and human negotiation, programmatic buying is run through trading desks that allow you to advertise on countless sites and platforms across the internet through display, text, native, social, and video ad types. Running ads this way ensures cost effectiveness and lightning fast optimizations, however is not easy at all to run yourself.
The simplest chart we could find to show the ecosystem and how it works.
A managed campaign hands this task over to experienced teams who target audiences with specific interests and located in specific geographic regions. Beginning by casting a wide net, data is collected on who is engaging with which ad types and further, which clicks lead to the desired call-to-actions (sign ups, lead generation, sales, downloads, event registration, etc.)
Then the campaign is continuously optimized. The messaging, audiences, ad types, and locations that aren’t performing get excluded, while variations and subsets of the winners continue to be tested and refined.
The result is a dynamic advertising campaign that’s constantly improving to deliver the highest quality traffic at the lowest cost.
Why is this important to your business?
Most investors in a business want the owners to understand their new user acquisition cost. As a business owner, you also want to know how much money it takes to get X new users. Having a reliable source of traffic with known costs and a large degree of scale gives you a predictable faucet that you can open as wide as you need.
PR, social media, partnerships, SEO, and other strategies can all be important channels for brand awareness and growth, but none of these give you the predictable cost, return, and scale of managed programmatic campaigns.
When should you start with programmatic advertising?
Putting time, money, and energy into any traffic strategy should be done AFTER you’ve given attention to the rest of your sales and marketing funnel.
The more optimized your funnel, the higher return you’ll get from any traffic you drive into it.
Product/Market fit: Survey your target markets to continually improve your understanding of their needs and challenges and the specific descriptive language they use. Using their language and priorities in your messaging is one of the most important conversion optimizations.
Opt-ins, tripwires, and initial offers: Test different free and low cost offers to turn visitors into subscribers, users, leads, clients, and customers. Make different offers based on the specific content visitors are consuming and interests that they’ve indicated.
Core offers: Listen and learn from your customers to constantly improve your core products and services so that customers stay customers longer and turn more people on to your business.
Profit maximizers: Add high value done-for-you or add-on products and services based around customer needs and feedback that increase your average customer value. The higher you average customer value, the more you can afford to invest in new business.
Token Agency can consult with you on these steps as well.
Need to target crypto audiences?
In addition to a proven track record of business and marketing results with blockchain brands, Token Agency has also built the single largest audience bank of known crypto-interested audiences. At time of writing, we have over 35 Million Unique User IDs! This means we can target 35 M devices that have all shown signs they have alot of interest in crypto.
We do this through the strictest GDPR / privacy standards using our data licensing agreements with leading crypto sites and influencers, including, News BTC, and dozens of youtube influencers.
We can target crypto-interest as a whole, but we can also drill down to specific exchanges, tokens, influencers, and other sub-categories that are the most relevant to your offers.
Getting started
To learn more, just come set time to talk with us!